This article covers the uncomputable function BB. BB(n,k) is the maximum
number of steps taken by any n-state k-symbol halting Turing machine. As a
historically-important special case, BB(n,2) is OEIS
A60843, also known as S(n).
Some machines require a non-zero initial tape, which can be accounted for by
appending the length of the initial tape to the symbol count: we treat them as
shorthand for machines which use one state per symbol to write the initial tape
before jumping to their main algorithm.
The following diagram summarizes known values and problems relative to BB. It
is hard to read due to relatively high dimensionality; the solid violet barrier
from the top to the left gives known values of BB, the blue wall is given by
Rogozhin's machines, and the other known implementations are a smattered
constellation of dots.